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+4 031 9641Monday - Friday 9 - 18

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Contact Information

Direct Booking is a tour operator with a travel agency experience for over 13 years. For more information about Direct Booking travel agency visit the link About Direct Booking

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 5 PM (GMT+2) (Starting September until December)

Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 6 PM (GMT+2) (Starting January until Ougust)

Our address
Calea Grivitei Street No 180 (Coral Business Center), ground floor, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania (200m from Metro Basarab, 10m from urban transport station Stoica Ludescu) Postal Code 010751

Direct Booking Constanta: Bdul Tomis nr. 63, Constanta, Telefon 0376400050

Direct Booking Cluj: Piata Mihai Viteazu nr. 2, Cluj-Napoca Telefon 0376400051

Direct Booking Ploiesti: Bulevardul Republicii nr. 1 (incinta Hotel Central), Ploiesti Telefon 0376400052

Direct Booking Suceava: Str. Ana Ipatescu nr. 2, Suceava Telefon 0376400053


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Direct Booking documents

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Certificate: open
Insurance policy: open

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