About Arabba - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Little is known about the oldest past in Arabba (the first news concerns the church, from the middle of the 17th century), except for some legends reminiscent of a catastrophic event (a plague or a flood) that decimated the population. . There is also a place at the foot of the Col Burzului called the Old Church, perhaps because the old settlement was located here. Arabba is located in one of the largest ski areas in the world, Dolomiti Superski, and especially in the section called Sellaronda, a route that connects the places around the Sella massif with over 400 km of slopes. During the summer, the city is very popular with hikers, who walk the many paths that develop in the area, including forests, meadows and grasslands, and motorcyclists because of the proximity of the Pordoi, Campolongo and Falzarego crossings.
Arabba | Arabba is a fraction of the municipality of Livinallongo del Col di Lana at the foot of Paso Pordoi. It is one of the main winter tourist centers of the Dolomites, part of the Dolomiti Superski area.
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