About Bibione - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bibione recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Bibione, Veneto
Bibione is an island surrounded by the river Tagliamento in the east, north and west channel Lugugnana the Venetian coastline, overlooking the Adriatic Sea.
At the northern end, we find the Natural Park of Val Grande, an area of low salinity water lagoon where it is practiced extensive farming of fish, such as eel, sea bream and sea bass.
To the east, the lighthouse of Punta Tagliamento, we find Tagliamento river mouth, and a large area of forests and grasslands in the dunes. To the west we find Porto Baseleghe, Lagoon hit.
Bibione | Bibione (Bibione in Veneto and Friuli) is part of the municipality of San Michele al Tagliamento. Its territory includes the second beach in Italy for number of appearances by Rimini (about 6 million)
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