About Bologna - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bologna recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Bologna, Emilia Romagna
Bologna is one of the best preserved historical cities in Emilia-Romagna in northern Italy. It is named for the color red city roofs and facades of its.
There are many restaurants specializing in Mediterranean menus, especially in typical food city: tortellini Bolognese.
The Two Towers (Due Torri) are the symbol of Bologna. Tallest tower is nearly 98 meters. On a clear day, you can see up to Verona and the Dolomites Asinelli tower (Torre degli Asinelli).
Bolongna, the capital of Emilia-Romagna region, is located at a distance of approx. 125km of Adriatic Sea, 84 km from Ravenna, 105km from Florence, 152km from Venice, 210 km from Milan and Rome 380km.
A city of ancient tradition, first inhabited by Etruscans and later the Romans, now known for its cultural and academic life (here is the oldest university in Europe - 1088) as well as local cuisine.
Bolongna It's made for walking - the best way to know this beautiful city full of streets and buildings. This is not the same crowded, like Florence or Venice, which makes a visit in Bolongna have a personal tone and rich. In a cup of coffee at one of the many cafes and bars in town, the visitor can admire the landscape of daily which itself constitutes a tourist attraction!
Bologna | Bologna is one of the best preserved historical cities in Emilia-Romagna in northern Italy. It is named for the color red city roofs and facades of its.
There are many restaurants specializing in Mediterranean menus, especially in typical food city: tortellini Bolognese
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