About Como - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
It is a city located in northern Italy, at the foot of the Alps, on the shores of Lake Como, also known as Lario. The lake is well known throughout Europe as a summer retreat for sailing, water skiing, scuba diving or pleasure boating.
Como is an important tourist resort, one of the ideal angles of the so-called "Larian triangle". The city is home to numerous museums, gardens, parks, theaters, churches and palaces.
Archaeological research has revealed the remnant of a Celtic villages, 4 km south of the actual city of Como, near Grande: Human settlement relates to the city's history.
In the nineteenth century, this town has grown so much industry (especially that of silk). In the twentieth century was encouraged tourism activity.
During the Second World War, with treitoriile near Como was the site of fugitives crossing clandaetin Hebrew (and all those persecuted) to Switzerland.
The city has suffered great damage from the bombings, although it was within the last movements of Mussolini in his desperate flight from Milan to the Swiss border.
Como is the birthplace of some notable historical figures including: Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger, Pope Innocent XI, scientist Alessandro Volta and Cosima Liszt, the second wife of Richard Wagner.
Como | It is a city located in northern Italy, at the foot of the Alps, on the shores of Lake Como, also known as Lario. The lake is well known throughout Europe as a summer retreat for sailing, water skiing, scuba diving or pleasure boating
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