About Genova Genoa - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Genova recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Genova Genoa, Ligurien
Genoa (Genova in Italian, Zena in Genoese) is a city and a seaport in northern Italy, capital of Liguria and the Main port servicing the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. It has a population of approx. 700,000 inhabitants and is the European Capital of Culture 2004.
Genoa stretches from east to west over a distance of more than 15 km, but North (Ligurian Apennines abutments) to the south (Mediterranean Sea) in less than 3 km, according to local topography, between mountains and sea. The city developed around the old port, a former semi-circular bay, which today houses a naval museum and a large public aquarium.
Strada Nuova (now Via Garibaldi) and Palazzo dei Roll "in Genoa in 2006 were entered on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
In the center is Piazza Ferrari, which is located near the Opera and the Doge's Palace. Here you can visit the house where they say that they were born to Christopher Columbus.
Over Street Nuova (now Via Garibaldi), in the old town, is held Palazzo Rosso (museum), Palazzo Bianco, Palazzo Grimaldi and Palazzo Reale, art college, Musei di Strada Nuova and the Palazzo del Principe.
Other tourist attractions: Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, the Old Port (Porto Antico), transformed into a mall, the famous cemetery Staglieno's known for its monuments and statues. Museo d'Arte Orientale has one of the largest collections of Oriental art in Europe.
Outside the old city, in Genova can visit the aquarium and in the vicinity of the beautiful and picturesque Boccadasse.
Genova Genoa | Genoa (Genova in Italian, Zena in Genoese) is a city and a seaport in northern Italy, capital of Liguria and the Main port servicing the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. It has a population of approx. 700,000 inhabitants and is the European Capital of
Culture 2004
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