About Montesilvano - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Montesilvano recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Montesilvano, Abruzzo
Located north of scale, which adjoins and forms a single urban area is divided into Montesilvano Hill, Old Town, where there are still remnants of the old medieval buildings (administrative, a fraction), and Montesilvano (or Montesilvano), already Contrada Marina, the most populous and modern city hall.
The city is located on the Adriatic Sea and offers a wide range of accommodation (hotels, rental apartments, B & B) and entertainment for both Italian and foreign tourists.
Montesilvano is located immediately north of Pescara, which is physically connected. Montesilvano Marina Montesilvano is divided into Montesilvano and Colle. The first is the bustling resort beach crowded; Common latter and original medieval fortress. Piombi mouths of rivers and saline are directly north of the city.
Montesilvano | Montesilvano is a municipality in the province of Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy. The population of 45.845 inhabitants is (1 January 2007).
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