About Salerno - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Salerno is located 50 km south-east of Naples on the northern end of the bay with the same name, where the hills of Sorrento Peninsula slide Tyrrhenian Sea.
Salerno is a lively port with a special historic and seaside promenade - Lungomare Trieste.
Salerno is located in the center of an imaginary triangle formed by three major tourist destinations: Pompeii, Paestum and Positano. This positioning increases the "odds " and also enable the city of tourists visiting its attractions - Promenade, Arechi Fortress, Cathedral, Archaeological Museum, countless churches and parks, old buildings and the medieval center.
As a university town, Salerno also an exciting nightlife, maintained by several clubs, discos and cafes. Among those Bogart Cafe and fable, the latter with live music.
If you have higher demands, try an evening at the Teatro Verdi, where they held concerts of opera and classical and contemporary plays.
Salerno has a good beach and one of the most beautiful cathedral in southern Italy. The Cathedral has an atrium with 28 columns of Paestum. Inside, the plaster as the eighteenth century falls continuously, several medieval frescoes come to light, a special beauty as the fresco of the Virgin.
Salerno | Salerno is located 50 km south-east of Naples on the northern end of the bay with the same name, where the hills of Sorrento Peninsula slide Tyrrhenian Sea.
Salerno is a lively port with a special historic and seaside promenade - Lungomare Trieste
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