About Venice Island - presentation, information, photos and recommendations

Venetia recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (33 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Venice Island, Veneto

Republic of Venice was and is known under the following names: "Republic of St. Mark" (La Repubblica di San Marco), "Lion's Republic" (La Repubblica del Leone), "Preasenina (Serenissima) etc..

There are certain aspects of the origin of the city, although local legend accredits March 25 as the year 421 since the founding of the fortress, it seems that Venice was born as a result of the flow of refugees who have left under threat of invasion longobarde Padana plain in northern Italy in 568.

Located at the cultural border, the Byzantine Empire, Venice and has developed a strong spirit of independence that led to the formation of a city state. Political leader was the Doge (Latin dux), theoretically elected for life, but in practice, especially in the early centuries of existence of the community, often forced to give up its mandate as a result of unsatisfactory results of their own government.

In the peak of its power, controlling much of Venice Maii Adriatic coast, many islands in the Ionian and Aegean Sea, was the principal military power in Eastern Mediterranean and is among the main commercial forces in the Middle East. The highlight of the Venetian colonial empire was reached after the Fourth Crusade, during the Doge Enrico Dandolo, when, as a consequence of the conquest of Constantinople by Venetian and non-Venetian Crusaders in 1204 was founded the Latin Empire of Constantinople, a State dominated commercially by the Republic of Venice, and the latter came into possession of several islands in the Aegean Sea (and Negroponte - now Evia, Naxos, Chios, etc., then and Crete, as well as cities and Coron in the Peloponnese Modon ). Since the early years of the fifteenth century, the republic has spread to northern Italy, by subjecting neighboring cities (Padova, Vicenza, Verona, etc.). Friulane and the region. Thus, in the second half of that century, Venetian domination extends to the river Adda, including new cities, such as Bergamo and Brescia.

In the eighteenth century, Venice was one of the finest cities in Europe, with great influence in the arts, architecture and literature of that period. Republic comprised Veneto Veneto, Istria, Dalmatia, Cattaro (now Kotor) and part of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. But after 1070 years of independence, 12 May 1797 the city was conquered by Napoleon Bonaparte. Doge Ludovico Manin is compelled by Napoleon to abdicate and dissolved the Council of the Republic is to proclaim "the Provisional Government of the Municipality of Venice." On May 16 1797 French troops occupied the city.

October 17, 1797 "City of Venta" cease to exist, was ceded to Austria. Veneto, Istria, Dalmatia and Cattaro formed the Austrian Empire province of Venice. Austrians entered the city on January 18, 1798. Since 1866, Venice took part in the Kingdom of Italy.

Today, the city of Venice is divided into six districts: Dorsoduro, Santa Croce, San Polo, San Marco, Cannaregio and Castello, comprising 118 islands, 354 bridges and 177 canals.

Piazza San Marco can be "center center" town, one of the most beautiful in the world. Here is the Basilica San Marco, Palazzo Ducale and Basilica bell. Another symbol of the city is the Rialto Bridge with shops.

Other important monuments in Venice are: Arsenal, Santa Maria della Salute Basilica and the Basilica Santa Maria dei Frari Glorious.

The main channels of the city are the Grand Canal and Canale della Giudecca. The first split in two cities by drawing an S, the second separates the old center of the island of Giudecca.

Venice Island | The main town of Venice and the Veneto region of north-eastern Italy. Venice currently has 266,181 inhabitants and is the capital of the province with the same name. The whole town (and the whole lagoon) in 1979 were declared patrimony of humanity by UNESCO

Information source 

Top hotels in Venice Island

Ariston, Venice Island


   Score 7.6/10 out of 3 reviews

Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

  • Hotel with parking  
  • Airplane (03/25 - 03/24/2026)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Centrale, Venice Island

Hotel Centrale

   Score 9.2/10 out of 4 reviews

Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Airplane (03/24 - 03/23/2026)
    • No transport provided

      Last booking: 01/26/2025

    Hotel President, Venice Island

    Hotel President

    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Hotel family hotels  
    • Airplane (03/24 - 03/23/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Kappa, Venice Island

    Hotel Kappa

    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
    • Airplane (03/21 - 03/20/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Lugano Torretta, Venice Island

    Hotel Lugano Torretta

    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Hotel with parking  
    • Airplane (11/20 - 01/07/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Malibran, Venice Island


    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
    • Airplane (03/24 - 03/23/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Gabrielli Venice Ex. Hotel Gabrielli Sandwirth, Venice Island

    Hotel Gabrielli Venice Ex. Hotel Gabrielli Sandwirth

    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Full Board  
    • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Nuova Mestre , Venice Island

    Hotel Nuova Mestre

    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

    • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
    • Airplane (03/25 - 03/24/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Novotel Venezia Mestre Castellana, Venice Island

    Novotel Venezia Mestre Castellana

    Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Airplane (11/20 - 02/14/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Il Moro Di Venezia, Venice Island

      Hotel Il Moro Di Venezia

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
      • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Club, Venice Island

      Hotel Club

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Hotel with parking  
      • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Russott, Venice Island

      Hotel Russott

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
      • Airplane (03/21 - 03/20/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Smart Holiday, Venice Island

      Hotel Smart Holiday

         Score 7.8/10 out of 2 reviews

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
      • Airplane (03/21 - 03/20/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Vienna, Venice Island

      Hotel Vienna

         Score 9.4/10 out of 2 reviews

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Full Board  
      • Airplane (03/25 - 03/24/2026)
      • No transport provided

        Last booking: 01/20/2025

      Hotel Piave, Venice Island

      Hotel Piave

         Score 7.9/10 out of 4 reviews

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

      • Hotel with parking  
      • Airplane (03/21 - 03/20/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Ca Pisani, Venice Island

      Hotel Ca Pisani

      Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

        • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Ambasciatori, Venice Island


           Score 9/10 out of 2 reviews

        Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

        • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
        • Airplane (03/21 - 03/20/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Hotel Aqua Palace, Venice Island

        Hotel Aqua Palace

        Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

        • Hotel family hotels  
        • Airplane (03/25 - 03/24/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Ca Bauta, Venice Island

        Ca Bauta

        Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

          • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
          • No transport provided
          Residenza San Maurizio, Venice Island

          Residenza San Maurizio

          Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

            • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Fenice Backstage Over Canal, Venice Island

            Fenice Backstage Over Canal

            Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

              • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
              • No transport provided
              Hotel La Forcola, Venice Island

              Hotel La Forcola

              Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

                • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
                • No transport provided
                Leonardo, Venice Island


                Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

                  • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
                  • No transport provided
                  Hotel Bauer Il Palazzo, Venice Island

                  Hotel Bauer Il Palazzo

                  Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

                  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
                  • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
                  • No transport provided
                  Bauer Palladio Hotel Spa, Venice Island

                  Bauer Palladio Hotel Spa

                  Venice Island, Veneto, Italy

                    • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
                    • No transport provided

                    Map of hotels Venice Island

                    Travel map Venice Island

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                    Clients remarks about Venetia


                    Mircea, 09/04/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    Iulian, group of friends 06/17/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    Bogonos , 05/30/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Bucur, couple 05/03/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Un oras deosebit, totodata aglomerat, dar a meritat...


                    Robert , couple 03/30/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Orășel frumos, curat. Nu mi-a plăcut taxa perceputa in pizzerii numită Coperta ( 1,5, 2, 2,5 euro de persoană ) și faptul că, vorbesc de italieni dacă vedeau că nu ințelegi lucrurile pe acolo mă refer și la Veneția incercau să te păcălească la bani.


                    Olaru , 03/08/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Costel, couple 02/17/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Oraul este fff curat, oamenii amabil i cei de la Restaurante , servire ireproabila.


                    Iuliana , couple 02/16/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Laura, group of friends 02/16/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    Florea, 02/10/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Orasul este impresionant , monumental, foarte shic si neasteptat de curat


                    Stan G, couple 11/20/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    Alexandra, group of friends 10/11/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Dan, couple 08/30/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Alin, group of friends 06/22/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Foarte frumos!


                    Crina, couple 02/27/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Szecsi, couple 01/31/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Fantastic city.


                    Laura, family with children 01/27/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    De vis


                    Popescu, family with children 11/30/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Florina, couple 08/10/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Un oras frumos si lini?tit


                    FLORINELA, group of friends 04/03/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Hotelul nu este situat in Venetia - statiunea, ci in Comuna di Venetia - regiunea. la rezervare am fost indusi in eroare si drunul pana la statiunea Venetia dureaza ceva


                    Marius, group of friends 07/09/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    oana, family with children 07/03/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    Anca S., group of friends 06/15/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                    Dumitru, couple 04/10/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Venezia este o zona deosebit de frumoasa!


                    Alex, couple 03/06/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Gara centrala din mestre face legatura cu principalele orase din zona veneto. la fiecare 5-10 min aveti trenuri catre Venetia (4 dus-intors/pers) sau treviso. atentie, pentru ca biletele sa fie valabile, ele trebuie validate inainte de fiecare calatorie la dispozitive speciale amplasate in gara. In 10 minute ati ajuns la Venetia, de unde ultimul tren pleaca injurul orelor 23. O zi in Venetia este suficienta pentru a va plimba si a vizita principalele atractii turistice.


                    Svetlana, group of friends 12/12/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Mestre e foarte ok, alaturi pizzerie f gustoasa, magazine etc


                    daniel, group of friends 10/28/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    venetia este superba,insulele murano si burano de vis


                    Radu, family with children 07/10/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    Exceptand comunitatea de negri-chinezi-rusi din zona, totul e OK


                    adi, couple 06/08/2015DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    anca, group of friends 04/12/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    nota 10 Venetia recomand sa vizitati si orasul Padova !!un oas cochet si face-ti si shopping!!


                    Ghjioanca, couple 03/09/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    FOGOROS, couple 03/06/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler



                    Alina, group of friends 07/16/2012DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                    We could not find any landmarks according to your specifications
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