About Verona - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Verona recieved a rating of 3.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Verona, Veneto
Verona is a city in the Veneto region and is the second area, taking into account the population of the region and Triveneto area, its population was recorded in 2008 a total of 265,245 inhabitants. Verona metropolitan area is 1070.9 km2 and counts a population of about 500,000 inhabitants.
Verona is visited annually by over 100 million tourists, many of them foreigners, for its rich artistic and various annual events such as the lyric areniană season.
The city owes its socio-economic importance, its geographical position and disposition of river. Among the most famous monuments of the city include Arena and Juliet's house.
Verona is located 59 m above sea level at the foot hill of San Pietro, the mountains of southern Appendix Lessinia, so the city rises along the Adige River, the point where it enters the Pannonian plain, and forms a feature of the oasis around 30 km east of Lake Garda.
In ancient times, the city was the hub for all types of terrestrial and aquatic transport north-eastern Italy. In Roman times, was the meeting point of four major streets (street Gallica, Claudia Augusta street, street and street Vicum Vironensium posthumously).
But even today, Verona is a geographic hub-street and highway ferovial, especially since it is located at the intersection of the directions from the central and north-western Italy with step Brenner.
Verona | Verona is a city in the Veneto region and is the second area, taking into account the population of the region and Triveneto area, its population was recorded in 2008 a total of 265,245 inhabitants. Verona metropolitan area is 1070
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