About Agrigento - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Agrigento is a town in southern Sicily, Italy, capital of the province with the same name. Agrigento Province extends along the southern coast of Sicily, the rest of the island connected by a network of roads and railways. Agrigento is renowned as a place of ancient Greek city, Akragas.
It was founded in the late sixth century BC The Dorian Greeks and later became an important commercial center of the ancient world. During the Punic Wars (264-201 BC), the city was an ally of Carthage. Agrigento was captured by the Romans in 262 BC first and then, finally, in 210 BC. The city owed the Byzantines and Arabs.
The XVIII century marks a pivotal point in the history of the city: the flowering of Baroque culture in Agrigento, evident in almost all churches of the city today. The city has suffered from poor management of the Bourbons, like the entire Sicilies, until 1860 when it merged with the Kingdom of Italy. The twentieth century saw a boom town.
The archaeological site of Valle dei Templi Agrigento in 1997 was entered on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list. The most famous attraction in Agrigento, an archaeological site containing the remains of various Doric temples dating from the fifth century BC
Agrigento | Agrigento is a town in southern Sicily, Italy, capital of the province with the same name. Agrigento Province extends along the southern coast of Sicily, the rest of the island connected by a network of roads and railways
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