About Alassio - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Alassio is a town in the province of Savona and Comune located in the west coast of Liguria, northern Italy, about 80 km (50 miles) from the border with France.
Alassio is known for its natural and scenic views. The center is crossed by a pedestrian causeway known as Budello.
Alassio is believed to have been founded in the late 10th century, the area of "Saint Anne of Monti church" where a family nucleus resides in first, then members subsequently moved to the hilly region of "Madonna delle Grazie" which is still known by the name "caste".
Here one of the first heraldic symbols of the city is still visible.
Alassio | Alassio (Arash Ligurian dialect) is a town of 11,312 inhabitants in the province of Savona in Liguria.
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