About Alberobello - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Alberobello is a historical city located in southern Italy. Original houses called "Trulli" (singular "Trullo") of Alberobello were submitted in 1996 on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
The history of this town dates from the second half of the 16th century when a few farmers have received the approval of the feudal family Acquaviva, Count of Conversano, to build homes here.
The city itself, situated 50 km from Bari, is quite small with less than 12,000 inhabitants. Their number increases considerably in peak season and weekends when the sites are visited by tourists eager to walk the streets of this historic seat. All objects are relatively close distances can be covered on foot.
The city center is composed of narrow streets and typical Italian buildings, among which are inserted some trulli houses. But the most beautiful and strange parts of town, are the two areas made up almost entirely of trulli houses: nearly a thousand such homes. This small white houses with pointed roofs, are crammed side by side creating the feeling of a city Hobbits.
Around the main tourist areas are small bars, restaurants, pizzerias and cafes, some located in trulli houses or terraces.
Alberobello | Alberobello is a historical city located in southern Italy. Original houses called "Trulli" (singular "Trullo") of Alberobello were submitted in 1996 on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
The history of this town dates from the second half of the 16th century when a few farmers have received the approval of the feudal family Acquaviva, Count of Conversano, to build homes here
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