About Alghero - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Alghero recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Alghero, Sardinien
Although it is one of the most popular resorts in Sardinia, Alghero has retained the appearance of a fishing village. It is best known for its beautiful beaches, good food, reasonable prices and Catalan origin.
It is less bright than the bustling Costa Smeralda, but has plenty to offer those who want sunshine, clean beaches, great animation and a group of bars and restaurants. And surrounding areas are appealing to those who venture outside the city: the famous beaches of La Pelosi - Stintino, Argentieri abandoned mining town of palaces and ancient complex of di Palmavera Nauraghe.
Stroll around the medieval old town which they called Barcelonetta Catalans or Little Barcelona. The most spectacular building is the cathedral built in the sixteenth century, in Gothic-Catalan. If you walk by boat along the coast of Capo Caccia putetivizita caves - Grotta di Nettuno and Neptune's Caves.
In limestone caves that are hidden under rocks are stalagmites and stalactites, and a deep clear lake waters. Scuba enthusiasts can go to Porto Conte, where they will find equipment and organized tours.
Alghero | Although it is one of the most popular resorts in Sardinia, Alghero has retained the appearance of a fishing village. It is best known for its beautiful beaches, good food, reasonable prices and Catalan origin
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