About Assisi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Assisi is a town in the central Italian region of Umbria and is located 19 km east of Perugia at an altitude of 400 m.
Assisi is known as the birthplace of St. Francis - patron saint of Italy, founder of the Franciscan order and one of the most famous Catholic saints in history.
The main attraction is the Church of St. Francis schools built in XIII, where the day and of the holy relics that bear his name, but also an impressive fresco, where we can find some moments and scenes from his life.
In Assisi longer worth a visit for the history, beauty and their architecture at least seven churches.
The city with Roman ruins, with narrow streets and oozing a medieval sacred shrines and tombs is still a pilgrimage destination for hundreds of years until today, but also one of the most popular destinations for tourists interested in art, religion, history and culture.
Assisi hosting about 3,000 inhabitants and an average of 4 - 5 million visitors annually walk the beautiful cobbled streets enjoying a quiet and wonderful view.
As expected, near the town has become a venue for reflection, prayer and a tourist, commercial, landscape and everything but you can visit this place turn into something unique, wonderful, which is definitely worth seeing at least once life.
Assisi | Assisi is a town in the central Italian region of Umbria and is located 19 km east of Perugia at an altitude of 400 m.
Assisi is known as the birthplace of St. Francis - patron saint of Italy, founder of the Franciscan order and one of the most famous Catholic saints in history
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