About Bari - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Orasul Bari recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Bari, Bari
Bari is the capital city of the Italian region of Puglia and Bari province. It is located in southern Italy on the Adriatic coast. It is located 299 km from the Italian capital, Rome, and the nearest major city is Lecce, 95 km away.
Bari, the second largest city in southern Italy, was originally a commercial, industrial and agricultural importance, an active port and a major point of a network of exchange of goods with Eastern Europe.
Its origins are connected with maritime activities in the Middle Ages there, along the coast, a neighborhood built on a pattern apparently originating after Roman models and then readjusted modelulul Byzantine.
In the old town still has remnants of civilizations that have marked the history of the city of Bari. The Romans turned the town into a rich seaport capable of accommodating dozens of ships carrying grain and wines coming from the country in large quantities.
The Romans developed trading city until the Normans came and turned the city of Bari in terms of architecture, building churches, squares and palaces.
The city is especially famous as a gateway outward, which ferries passengers going to destinations in other countries. Bari has value in itself but as a city. The old arrangement preserved medieval and many buildings and places of historical value. Although this area was a dangerous place in terms of crime, the investment made today in Bari Vecchio an attractive destination for tourists.
South side of town called Bari Murattiano is modern soul, located on a rectangular plan with a great place to promenade and a large shopping center. The more modern the city is the result of chaotic development of the 60s and 70s, culminating with the development of suburbs in the '90s.
On 20 minutes outside the city there is a town called "Adelfa - Montrone. Owner is St. Tryphon town. On 9 November, which starts here a three-day celebration. In the morning the first day is a huge let-air balloon. The next day a procession with the statue of the saint. The party continues with outdoor concerts and fireworks until dawn. Competitions between clubs and noisy crowd of vendors and revelers make this celebration a national celebration.
Summer temperatures reach 28 degrees C during the day and 12-13 degrees C at night. Winter is located between 5 degrees C at night and 12 degrees C during the day.
Bari | Bari is the capital city of the Italian region of Puglia and Bari province. It is located in southern Italy on the Adriatic coast. It is located 299 km from the Italian capital, Rome, and the nearest major city is Lecce, 95 km away
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