About Bergamo - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bergamo recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Bergamo, Lombardy
Bergamo is a city in Lombardy - Italy, located 40 km north east of Milan. Bergamo city has a population of 120,000 inhabitants and is situated at the foot of the Alps. Initial location of the town was a defensive platform hill and the city itself was surrounded by thick walls.
The town has two centers: "Città Alta (upper town), a medieval town situated on a hill, surrounded the seventeenth century and cyclopean defensive walls Città Bassa (lower town). The two parts of the city are connected by funicular / cable car, roads and trails. Parking spaces are very limited in the upper town and local traffic is prohibited on weekends.
Although Milan skyscraper south-west are visible on clear days, Bergamo was, historically associated with Venice, which held over the city for 350 years, until the coming of Napoleon. In spite of foreign domination, Citta Alta has changed very little, keeping a strong focus of local identity.
In 1815, the Austrian Empire was annexed Bregamo. Giuseppe Garibaldi issued during the Second Italian War of Independence, devendind as part of the Kingdom of Italy. In the twentieth century, Bregamo became one of the most industrialized cities of Italy. It is also one of the few Italian cities that has not suffered major damage during the Second World War.
Bergamo | Bergamo is a city in Lombardy - Italy, located 40 km north east of Milan. Bergamo city has a population of 120,000 inhabitants and is situated at the foot of the Alps. Initial location of the town was a defensive platform hill and the city itself was surrounded
by thick walls
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