About Capri - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Capri, a small mountainous island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, famous for its unique landscapes, is situated at the entrance to the Bay of Naples.
Referred to in ancient goat, Capri island was colonized by Greeks since the seventh century BC. In the two major cities of the island, Anacapri and Capri, are ruins that show the presence of Greek colonies on the island.
In 29 BC Emperor Augustus Caesar has purchased the island from Naples, in exchange for the island of Ischia, building a palace here. His successor, Emperor Tiberius, he spent 10 years and built 12 villas in gratitude to the 12 gods of Olympus. Later, Capri became the destination of the Italian aristocracy, British and French. Eighteenth-century Bourbons came here to hunt quail and, a century later, artists, poets and economic personalities (Krupp, Axel Munthe, and others) have found inspiration or resting on the limestone of the island beaches.
Capri is 6.7 km long and about two kilometers wide, and 10.4 km square area was measured. Characteristic element is the island's landscape of limestone cliffs which rise from the depths of the sea. Monte Solaro is the point at highest elevation on the island, measuring 589 meters tall.
Clma is Mediterranean. The average temperature is 10 ° C in February and 28 ° C in August. Annual average amount of precipitation is 850 mm.
On the island there is worth mentioning the source or rivers, and irrigation is mainly ensured by rain. Rainfall is heavy but so that the cultivation of olive trees, vines and citrus trees is very profitable.
The island is visited annually by over half a million guests. On the island of Capri are three major cities. Capri's main settlement, a town located in its eastern part. Marina Grande is picturesque harbor on the north and west stands Anacapri. Tourists can reach from Capri to Anacapri after crossing the 784 steps carved into the rock. In the north-west of Anacapri is the largest island tourist attractions: the famous Blue Grotto (Grotto Azzurra Italian). The island is dotted with monuments dating from antiquity, including the emperor Tiberius and villas. Capri has been since the Roman Empire a popular resting place.
Capri | Capri, a small mountainous island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, famous for its unique landscapes, is situated at the entrance to the Bay of Naples.
Referred to in ancient goat, Capri island was colonized by Greeks since the seventh century BC
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