About Catania - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Catania recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Catania, Sicily Island
Catania is the second largest city in Sicily, Italy, is located on the east coast. It is the capital of the province with the same name and has around 340,000 inhabitants. Catania is located south of Etna, an active volcano.
Founded in the eighth century BC, the city was largely destroyed by earthquakes in 1169 and 1693. The first Sicilian university was founded in 1434 in Catania.
Catania city is located 547 km from Rome, the Italian capital.
Temperatures are between 9 and 30 degrees C, the highest recorded in August. The rainy season is from October to January, with about 279 mm / month.
Main attractions: local history, impossible to ignore by any tourist. There are plenty of Greek temples: Agrigento, Akrai, Catania, Cefalu (Temple of Diana).'s Most prestigious Greek artifacts are in Ortigia, the historical center of the island.
You can also admire the volcano Etna's activity and influence on the Sicilian landscape, especially near the grotto Alcantara.Pentru ancient Greeks, Mount Etna was the temple of Vulcan, god of fire. It is the highest volcano in Europe. Tour operators recommended routes on the west side of the mountain, but anyway, should not venture alone.
In the tomb of Catania Duomo composer Vincenzo Bellini. Opera composer named Catania.
Catania | Catania is the second largest city in Sicily, Italy, is located on the east coast. It is the capital of the province with the same name and has around 340,000 inhabitants. Catania is located south of Etna, an active volcano
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