About Ischia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ischia recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ischia, Ischia
Compared to the islands wonderful scattered in the beautiful sea around Naples, offers, despite the extent of its limited widest variety of issues picturesque: the fishing villages old chicken on hillsides with color and their simplicity and resorts up -to-date and well-equipped bathroom and health; romantic, always fresh, bumpy corners hidden among rocks falling sheer to the sea and the beaches wide and comfortable; fertile hills covered with vineyards and empty slopes, rocky Monte Epomeo; scenery, profoundly changed by the violence of volcanoes and cliffs, hollowed and carved by sea erosion.
On Ischia, can lead fashionable life, hectic tourist centers best equipped or more secluded life, restful, if you choose to stay at one of the smaller places located on the mountain slopes.
Everywhere, however, finds a particularly mild and gentle climate: everywhere can enjoy beautiful views and discover picturesque corners.
Moreover, many thermal units should not be forgotten that makes use of many excellent springs found all over the island, nor the variety of excursions or excellent cuisine and, above all, delicious wine Epomeo.
Ischia has everything, including the natural beauty that made her the queen of our small Mediterranean islands.
Ischia | It is the largest of the islands in the Bay of Naples, is one of the largest tourist attraction, not only in the region but throughout Italy.
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