About Italian Alps - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Their names (Italian: Alpi; English: Alps; Française: Alpes; Occitan: Aups / Alps; German: Alpen; Romansh: Alps; Slovene: Alpe) is derived from the Latin word albus (white). Alps form an arc in southern Central Europe, a length of about 1,200 km and covers an area of 200,000 km² around.
The highest mountain in the Alps is Mont Blanc, located at the French-Italian, with the peak at an altitude of 4810 m. In the Alps there are in total 128 peaks with heights exceeding 4000 m, which can be found in the list of stunning alpine after height.
Italian Alps | The Alps are a mountain range in Europe, stretching from Austria and Slovenia to southeastern France, passing through northern Italy, southern Switzerland, Liechtenstein and southern Germany.
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