About Jesolo - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Jesolo recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (11 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Jesolo, Veneto
Tourist identity of Jesolo began to take shape until the late nineteenth century, first slowly and then the First World War, particularly after World War II, visibly and significantly faster when neighbors of Venetians and Lombards example, have begun to realize the quality and tourism potential of Jesolo.
From the start, which made investors so eager to develop tourism in Jesolo was long beach 15 kilometers (Lido di Jesolo) and happy alliance between the gifts of the sea and the presence of a pine forest 3 kilometers which borders ( Pineta). What is currently Jesolo recovery is basically the result of the inherent potential of the place.
Jesolo has the rare quality of being able to combine into a single formula the generous contribution of nature, the prospect of idleness endless sun on one of the best beaches marked with the blue flag of Italy, amazing sports opportunities, shopping and party life Night and a modern tourism infrastructure capable of offering comfort and luxury in terms of places offering accommodation and where to dine.
A tourist paradise in true sense, Jesolo not disappointed, nor will ever disappoint the expectations of its visitors.
A further feature that enhances the tourist rating of Jesolo is its proximity to Venice, which is a benefit both in terms of accessibility and the sufficiency of time tourists to check two tourist hotspots in an extremely effective and convenient.
Jesolo | What is great and extremely valuable in Jesolo is that staţiuneJesolo maritime fails to provide complete holidays of all tourists who decide to move to this Italian destination.
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