About Lake Maggiore - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The climate is mild in both summer and winter, producing Mediterranean vegetation, with many rare and exotic plants growing gardens.
Gardens well-known include the Borromeo Islands and Brissago, the Villa Taranto in Verbania that and Alpinia botanical garden above Stresa.
Lake basin has tectonic-glacial origins and its volume is 37 cubic kilometers (9 mi) with. The lake has an area of about 213 square kilometers (82 sq MI), a maximum length of 54 km (34 mi) (a straight line) and the maximum width is 12 km (7 mi).
Its main tributaries are the Ticino, The Maggia, The Toce (by the inflow from Lake Orta) and the Tresa (which is the sole emissary of Lake Lugano). The rivers Verzasca, Giona, and also Cannobino flow into the lake.
Her outlet is the Ticino which, in turn, joins the Po River southeast of Pavia.
Lake Maggiore | Lake Maggiore (Italian: Lago Maggiore, pronounced [laːɡo maddʒoːre] letter 'largest lake ") or Lago Verbano ([Verbano]; Latin: Lacus Verbanus) is a large lake located on the south side of the Alps. It is the second largest lake in Italy and largest of
southern Switzerland
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