About Mestre - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Mestre recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Mestre, Veneto
The city is connected to Venice by a long bridge, including both railway (Austrian occupants built in the nineteenth century) and road (built under Benito Mussolini, called Ponte della Libertà.
Mestre is the largest city in Italy that does not have the status of autonomous communities.
According to legend, Mestre had been founded by Mesthles a traveling companion of the hero Antenor, a fugitive from Troy who have founded either Padova or Venice. The true origins of the city remain uncertain, although it is known that a oppidum (fortress) Roman existed in the region later destroyed by Attila and probably reedificat during the tenth century.
Mestre | Mestre is a town belonging to the Veneto, Italy being a part of Venice as its expansion on the continent. Venice lagoon town has about 70,000 inhabitants, while the two factions, Mestre and Marghera, has about 170,000
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