About Milan - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Milano recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (41 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Milan, Lombardy
Milan is the main city in northern Italy. It is located on the plains of Lombardy, one of the most developed urban regions of Italy. Residents of Milan are known as Milanesi or informally Meneghini or Ambrosiana.
The city was founded by the Celts in northern Italy around 400 BC was conquered by the Romans around 222 BC, who gave the name Mediolanu. Latin name meaning "in the middle of the field."
Milan is recognized as one of the capitals of fashion and design, Lombard metropolis is famous by her elegant fashion houses and shops, such as the famous Via Montenapoleone and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Piazza Duomo (considered to be the most the world's oldest shopping mall). Milan is also considered to be the most important city in the world in terms of lyric opera, with its famous Teatro alla Scala (La Scala Theatre).
Milan is one of the first commercial and financial centers of world importance. The city is the seat of the Italian Stock Exchange (it: Borsa Italiana) "Piazza Affari. Milan is also famous for Alfa Romeo car company located here, and silk production because it is a world leader in fashion and design.
Milan is a city defined by architecture and urban design renaissance.
Milan | Milan is the main city in northern Italy. It is located on the plains of Lombardy, one of the most developed urban regions of Italy. Residents of Milan are known as Milanesi or informally Meneghini or Ambrosiana
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