About Mirano - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Mirano is a commune with 26,667 inhabitants. It is located in the province of Venice, in the region of Veneto, Italy. The territory of the commune covers an area of 45.62 km2, a population density of 576 inhabitants / km². Neighboring commune with local area Salzano, Dolo, Mira, Pianiga, Spinea and Santa Maria di Sala.
Mirano is the Venetian park, or a nature can be blossoming and intriguing, it can be visible becomes almost obligatory. Mirano has always been late an attractive place because of the green gift.
Mirano | Mirano is a commune with 26,667 inhabitants. It is located in the province of Venice, in the region of Veneto, Italy. The territory of the commune covers an area of 45.62 km2, a population density of 576 inhabitants / km²
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