About Montecatini Terme - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Montecatini Terme recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Montecatini Terme, Tuscany Region
Montecatini Terme is world famous spa located in the Italian region of Tuscany.
Montecatini Terme can accommodate at least 2 million tourists who come here for the famous health spa center. Thermal waters here are good for stomach or liver problems.
The resort includes various amenities, such as an 18 hole golf course, tennis, biking and hiking trails, riding schools, football stadium, horse racing.
The most important treatment center Terme in Montecatini Terme is Tettuccio dating from 1927 and is located near the park, the street Via Verdi. Together with the Queen and Leopold, these three centers are the first of its kind spa in Montecatini Terme built.
Piazza del Popolo - People's Market - Montecatini Terme is the city center. Here is the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, and everything here turns to the street Viale Verdi spa treatment centers.
Montecatini Alto - Montecatini Val di Nievole called - is an ancient village situated on a hill above the resort of Montecatini Terme, at an altitude of 260 m.
At Montecatini Alto can be reached by taking the funicular railway dating from 1898 or on the road by car. On the road you will find cave Grotta Maone discovered in the nineteenth century.
Montecatini Terme | Montecatini Terme is world famous spa located in the Italian region of Tuscany.
Montecatini Terme can accommodate at least 2 million tourists who come here for the famous health spa center. Thermal waters here are good for stomach or liver problems
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