About Puglia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
To the south west, its shores are bathed by the waters of the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) and north of the Adriatic waves.
The climate is subtropical with long hot summers the hot and dry wind called "sirocco" in spring and autumn warm, short winters and rainy. Average annual rainfall is 600 mm.
In terms of physiographic Apulia is compared to other coiţuri of the peninsula, the least typical Italian country: mountainous terrain occupies only 1% of its area and 54% plains. The rest of the region consists of plateaus.
Apulia, originally inhabited by the Illyrians, was colonized by the Greeks in the eighth century BC Adeiatice Sea coast settlers landed at Mycenae, while the Ionian Sea were set outcasts of Sparta. The latter founded the city in 706 BC Taranto .
Hardworking artisans and merchants contributed to the flourishing city. Thanks to their wealth, the inhabitants of Taranto and they could not afford to organize mercenary troops and engage the services of renowned commanders, thus successfully against enemies.
Puglia | Apulia (Puglia in Italian called) is a region in southern Italy, located between the Adriatic and the Ionian Sea near Albania, which includes the "heel" and "spur" big boots to Penisula Apennines.
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