About Radda In Chianti - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
This village (53 Om, pop: 1655) is located on a hill covered with woods and vineyards forming the watershed between the Pesa and Arbia valleys.
Formerly belonging to the Guidi family, came under Florentine control in 1203. After being fortified in 1400 was, from 1415 onwards, head of the League of Chianti, and keeps the remains of its ancient walls.
From Radda, after decreasing in the direction of Greve in Chianti and turning left after 3 km, the trail climbs the southern slopes of Monte San Michele, primarily to Santa Maria Novella and then Volpaia.
In a small medieval village, Santa Maria Novella church, rebuilt in the 19th century, has kept its basilica plan with a nave flanked by two vessels. Inside, the capitals are decorated with medieval sculptures similar to Lombard churches of Casentino.
Radda In Chianti |
Radda in Chianti is a municipality in the Province of Siena, Tuscany in central Italy. In 2011 had a population of 1,696 inhabitants.
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