About Ravenna - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ravenna is a city with 140,000 inhabitants, capital of the province with the same name in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.
The city is situated on the shore, but is linked by a canal from the Adriatic Sea.
It was the capital of the Western Roman Empire from 402 until 476, Ostrogoths and the Exarchate capital of the Kingdom (center of Byzantine power in Italy) until 751. From that year until the invasion of the Franks, Ravenna was the Lombard king's fortress and now is even the provincial capital Ravenna.
The name is unclear, although it is assumed to be of Etruscan origin, and is actually a way that they called themselves (Rasenna or grinder).
The first settlements in the area had been home thessaliana, Etruscan and shadow. Ravenna was actually a bunch of houses built on poles, sit around a group of small islands in a lagoon similar to that which is situated in Venice. The Romans ignored it during the conquest of the Po river delta, but later incorporated it into the Republic.
In 49 BC, Julius Caesar and forces gathered here before crossing the Rubicon's. Nowadays the town is situated on the ground with all that Ravenna was one of the most important port cities until the early Middle Ages.
In the early fifth century, a time when Italy was threatened by the advancing Romanian barbarian tribes, Emperor Honorius Ravenna raised to the rank of capital of the Western Roman Empire, because it was naturally protected from the sea and the marshes .
Later in the year 540, the city came in the reign of Emperor of Constantinople, which was represented by a governor or ersahat, domination which lasted 150 years.
During that golden era, the city was adorned with churches, mausoleums and baptistery whose interior became the Western world wonders.
Of all the sacred monuments of Ravenna, none surpassed in splendor the Church of San Vitale, which was consecrated in 547, during the reign of Justinian I, one of the great Byzantine emperors.
Ravenna has played for centuries in Italy's role in history and has a unique collection of mosaics and monuments to the birth of Christianity, but also many buildings dating from 5 and 6, Sant Apollinare Nuovo Basilica, Church of St. Vitale, the Basilica Sant Appolinare, Chapel archbishop.
The decorations of these churches are a mixture of Greco-Roman tradition overlapping influences and Christian iconography.
Paleo-Christian monuments of Ravenna in 1996, were included on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
Ravenna | Ravenna is a city with 140,000 inhabitants, capital of the province with the same name in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.
The city is situated on the shore, but is linked by a canal from the Adriatic Sea
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