About Rome - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Roma recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (105 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Rome, Province of Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy. Located on the river Tiber, the city has a long history over the centuries as the capital of the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and modern Italy. Rome has a population of 2,923,000 people. The metropolitan area has a population of around 4 million. It is the capital of Lazio and the Province of Rome.
Rome is a major tourist center. Among the most famous monuments are the Colosseum and Trajan's Column number. An enclave of Rome is the State of Vatican, a sovereign territory of the Holy See's novel set in a neighborhood. It is the smallest country in the world, the capital of the only religion that has representation in the United Nations (as a non-member observer state).
Rome, caput mundi (Capital of the World "), the Città Eterna (" Eternal City "), Limena Apostolorum (" threshold Apostles "), La città dei Sette Colli (" city of seven hills ") or simply l'Urbe ("City"), is profoundly modern and cosmopolitan. As one of the few major European cities that survived the Second World War relatively unscathed, central Rome remains essentially Renaissance and Baroque to. Rome's historic center is a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity.
Rome is located in central-western part of the Italian peninsula, on the lower Tiber river.
According to legend, Rome was founded by twins Romulus and Remus on April 21, 753 BC, and archaeological evidence supports the theory that Rome grew from pastoral settlements on the Palatine Hill, built in the future Roman Forum, and have basis for the new city in the eighth century BC The city had become capital of the Roman Kingdom (ruled by a succession of seven kings, according to tradition), the Roman Republic (from 509 BC - 27 BC, governed by the Senate), and finally the Roman Empire (of 27 BC, ruled by a king), this success depended on military conquest, economic domination, as well as selective assimilation of neighboring civilizations, notably the Etruscans and ancient Greeks. 64 In the reign of Nero one of the city was destroyed by fire. The city was rebuilt during the Flavor especially during the Emperor Trajan, Adrian and Caracalla.
Rome | Rome is the capital of Italy. Located on the river Tiber, the city has a long history over the centuries as the capital of the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and modern Italy. Rome has a population of 2,923,000 people
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