About Rome - presentation, information, photos and recommendations

Roma recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (105 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Rome, Province of Rome

Rome is the capital of Italy. Located on the river Tiber, the city has a long history over the centuries as the capital of the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and modern Italy. Rome has a population of 2,923,000 people. The metropolitan area has a population of around 4 million. It is the capital of Lazio and the Province of Rome.

Rome is a major tourist center. Among the most famous monuments are the Colosseum and Trajan's Column number. An enclave of Rome is the State of Vatican, a sovereign territory of the Holy See's novel set in a neighborhood. It is the smallest country in the world, the capital of the only religion that has representation in the United Nations (as a non-member observer state).

Rome, caput mundi (Capital of the World "), the Città Eterna (" Eternal City "), Limena Apostolorum (" threshold Apostles "), La città dei Sette Colli (" city of seven hills ") or simply l'Urbe ("City"), is profoundly modern and cosmopolitan. As one of the few major European cities that survived the Second World War relatively unscathed, central Rome remains essentially Renaissance and Baroque to. Rome's historic center is a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity.

Rome is located in central-western part of the Italian peninsula, on the lower Tiber river.

According to legend, Rome was founded by twins Romulus and Remus on April 21, 753 BC, and archaeological evidence supports the theory that Rome grew from pastoral settlements on the Palatine Hill, built in the future Roman Forum, and have basis for the new city in the eighth century BC The city had become capital of the Roman Kingdom (ruled by a succession of seven kings, according to tradition), the Roman Republic (from 509 BC - 27 BC, governed by the Senate), and finally the Roman Empire (of 27 BC, ruled by a king), this success depended on military conquest, economic domination, as well as selective assimilation of neighboring civilizations, notably the Etruscans and ancient Greeks. 64 In the reign of Nero one of the city was destroyed by fire. The city was rebuilt during the Flavor especially during the Emperor Trajan, Adrian and Caracalla.

Rome | Rome is the capital of Italy. Located on the river Tiber, the city has a long history over the centuries as the capital of the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and modern Italy. Rome has a population of 2,923,000 people

Information source 

Top hotels in Rome

Hotel Tre Stelle, Rome

Hotel Tre Stelle  

   Score 7/10 out of 4 reviews

Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Airplane (01/13 - 01/12/2026)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Siviglia, Rome

Hotel Siviglia

   Score 9.5/10 out of 2 reviews

Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Airplane (01/05 - 01/04/2026)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Acropoli Închis Definitiv , Rome

Hotel Acropoli Închis Definitiv   

   Score 7.3/10 out of 1 reviews

Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

    • Airplane (12/17 - 12/16/2025)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Consul, Rome

    Hotel Consul  

       Score 9/10 out of 1 reviews

    Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

    • Full Board  
    • Airplane (01/05 - 01/04/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Jonico, Rome

    Hotel Jonico

       Score 9.1/10 out of 1 reviews

    Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

    • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
    • Airplane (12/31 - 12/30/2025)
    • No transport provided
    Kriss Hotel, Rome

    Kriss Hotel

    Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

      • Airplane (01/05 - 01/04/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Hotel Picasso Rome, Rome

      Hotel Picasso Rome

         Score 8.7/10 out of 1 reviews

      Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Airplane (01/04 - 01/03/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Hotel Turner, Rome

        Hotel Turner

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
        • Airplane (01/04 - 01/03/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Hotel Augustea, Rome

        Hotel Augustea  

           Score 6.6/10 out of 1 reviews

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Hotel with parking  
        • Airplane (03/02 - 03/01/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Quality Hotel Rouge Et Noir Roma, Rome

        Quality Hotel Rouge Et Noir Roma

        Score 4.7/10 out of 1 reviews

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Hotel with outdoor pool  
        • Airplane (12/21 - 12/20/2025)
        • No transport provided
        Hotel Giotto, Rome

        Hotel Giotto  

           Score 7.6/10 out of 1 reviews

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Hotel with parking  
        • Airplane (12/25 - 12/24/2025)
        • No transport provided
        Shg Hotel Portamaggiore, Rome

        Shg Hotel Portamaggiore

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Full Board  
        • Airplane (12/31 - 12/30/2025)
        • No transport provided
        Hotel Diocleziano, Rome

        Hotel Diocleziano

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
        • Airplane (01/11 - 01/10/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Hotel Re Testa, Rome

        Hotel Re Testa

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
        • Airplane (01/12 - 01/11/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Holiday Inn Rome Pisana, Rome

        Holiday Inn Rome Pisana

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

        • Full Board  
        • Airplane (12/26 - 12/25/2025)
        • No transport provided
        All Ways Garden Hotel Leisure, Rome

        All Ways Garden Hotel Leisure

        Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

          • Airplane (12/19 - 12/18/2025)
          • No transport provided
          Tiziano, Rome


          Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

            • Airplane (01/13 - 01/12/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Hotel Parker, Rome

            Hotel Parker    

               Score 8.5/10 out of 14 reviews

            Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

            • Hotel with parking  
            • Airplane (03/07 - 03/06/2026)
            • No transport provided

              Last booking: 01/22/2025

            Hotel Albergo Athena, Rome

            Hotel Albergo Athena  

               Score 8.1/10 out of 4 reviews

            Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

            • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
            • Airplane (03/07 - 03/06/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Hotel Domus Sessoriana, Rome

            Hotel Domus Sessoriana  

               Score 7.4/10 out of 1 reviews

            Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

            • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
            • Airplane (03/07 - 03/06/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Pallas Temple Hotel, Rome

            Pallas Temple Hotel  

               Score 6.9/10 out of 3 reviews

            Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

            • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
            • Airplane (01/12 - 01/11/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Hotel Centro Cavour, Rome

            Hotel Centro Cavour

            Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

              • Airplane (12/23 - 12/22/2025)
              • No transport provided
              Hotel Caravel, Rome

              Hotel Caravel  

                 Score 9.4/10 out of 4 reviews

              Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

              • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
              • Airplane (11/20 - 02/28/2026)
              • No transport provided
              Espana, Rome


                 Score 9.1/10 out of 1 reviews

              Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

              • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
              • Airplane (12/17 - 12/16/2025)
              • No transport provided
              Hotel Max, Rome

              Hotel Max

              Rome, Province of Rome, Italy

              • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
              • Airplane (12/20 - 12/19/2025)
              • No transport provided

              Map of hotels Rome

              Travel map Rome

              You can move the points of departure or destination with mouse. You can add intermediate points by entering the cities separated by commas. You can adjust the route by dragging with the mouse the points on blue line.


              The map and route instructions above are automatically generated and are not verified. Please consult a road map and check road conditions before you begin the journey.
              Direct Booking is not responsible for the accuracy of the information above and is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by them.

              Clients remarks about Roma


              Dragis, group of friends 02/03/2025DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Atenție la taxele de oraș la 4 stele 7,5 euro pe zi de perosoana


              Adrian, lonely traveler 08/12/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Aurelia, 06/20/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Ai ce sa vezi in Roma. Dar serviciile scumpe, si mizerie cam multa.


              Giuglea, group of friends 04/23/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Un oras superb


              Mircea, group of friends 02/27/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Monica, couple 02/24/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Oana, group of friends 02/12/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este superba in orice anotimp


              Alin, 12/08/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Alina, couple 10/31/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Este foarte aproape de Vatican si cat de cat aproape de statia de metrou Cipro. Zona este draguta cu restaurante si destul de linistita.


              Ostaciuc, family with children 06/27/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              hotelul este situat intr-un cartier marginas al orasului Roma.


              Andrei, family with children 06/26/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Andrei, couple 06/14/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Daca faci abstrac?ie de gunoiul de pe jos si lipsa cosurilor de gunoi, orasul este un muzeu in sine, merita vizitat cel putin odata


              Ionut, group of friends 05/09/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Mizerie multa pe strazi,lipsesc cosurile de gunoi.


              Iulian, group of friends 04/20/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Mugurel , group of friends 03/09/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Cris, group of friends 02/26/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Este un ora? murdar


              Marian, family with children 11/24/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Oras aglomerat si murdar.Obictive turistice impresionante.Roma merita vizitata macar odata in viata!


              Mirela, group of friends 11/14/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Zona frumoasa, langa Vatican


              Daniela , family with children 08/16/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este superba peste tot chiar ?i cea mai nesemnificativa stradu?a este plina de cladiri istorice ?tiu sa pastreze cladirile le consolideaza ?i intre?in exemplar


              stancu, lonely traveler 04/15/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Mihaela , family with children 04/14/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Un ora? frumos.


              Costy, group of friends 04/05/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Orasul Roma este o emblema a arhitecturii ! aspect negativ: Curetenia in oras are mari probleme, pacat !


              Alin, group of friends 02/15/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Ora? frumos, sistemul de transport este wow, 12.5 eur 48 ore ?i ei orice mijloc de transport, biciclete/trotinete electrice peste tot


              Marius, couple 11/22/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Ana, family with children 11/18/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este superba!


              Pamela , group of friends 11/15/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Oana, group of friends 10/27/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Mihaela, group of friends 10/19/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este impresionata, plina de istorie ?i arhitectura.


              Cristian, group of friends 02/23/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              foarte buna


              Ionut, couple 02/20/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Oras dragu?, oameni primitori ( e interesul lor ) in zonele cu atrac?ii turistice. De evitat zonele care nu au ca obiect turismul.


              Marius, group of friends 02/18/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Recomand,este un oras plin de istorie,oricand o sa am ocazia ma intorc cu placere


              Sebastian, group of friends 01/04/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Anonim, family with children 01/01/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Vlad, couple 12/18/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Alexandra, family with children 12/03/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Viorel, group of friends 11/29/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Ok.....dar...taxa de oras .....maricica


              Alice, family with children 08/23/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este un oras foarte frumos.


              Stefania, couple 07/26/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Un ora? cu numeroase obiective turistice de seama, dar din pacate foarte murdar, plin de gunoaie. Incredibil!


              carmen, family with children 07/23/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              roma este un oras superb, trebuie numai sa va bucurati de el si de timpul petrecut acolo, sa excludem mizeria si mirosul din unele zone.


              George, couple 07/22/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Capitala...galagie, mizerie, aglomeratie, istorie, cafea si pizza excelente/ieftine.


              Diana, couple 07/21/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Rome este minunata, merita vazuta o data in viata!


              Iulia, family with children 06/18/2019

              Foarte frumos!


              iulia, family with children 06/18/2019



              George, couple 06/11/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Petre, group of friends 05/29/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Cartierul e linisitt cu putine optiuni de restaurante dar destul sa rezolvi problema. Destul de aproape de staie metrou care face legatura cu zonele de interes touristic ,deci ok ca pozitie


              Denisa, group of friends 05/08/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Dezamagitor. Inafara de centrul orasului, in rest mizerie fff multa, cladirile mazgalite si vopsite, traficul se circula ca-n jungla. Iar ca si obiective turistice trebuie sa te inarmezi cu rabdare, pt k fiind multi turisti, trebuia sa stam la cozi imense..... dc vroiam sa nu stam la rand (skip the line), trebuia sa platim aproape triplu, ceea ce insemna f mult!


              Manuela, group of friends 04/25/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este un oras plin de istorie si cultura!transportul in comun f facil !ajungi usor oriunde doresti!In schimb curatenia orasului lasa de dorit!


              Natalia, couple 04/09/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma, un ora? in care i?i dore?ti sa revii!


              Luiza, group of friends 04/04/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Gabriel, group of friends 03/23/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Ora?ul M-a lasat cu gura cascata, la propriu. toate obiectivele turistice m-au impresionat enorm. in acest ora? regase?ti istorie, cultura, elegan?a, arta, dar mai ales sentimente profunde ?i incomparabile pentru care nu exista adjective sa le descrii atunci cand e?ti cre?tin. Spun asta pentru Vatican, pentru lan?urile(care se regasesc in una din minunatele biserici ale ora?ului) in care a fost adus Sfantul Petru la Roma, pentru inchisoarea in care acesta a stat din iubirea pentru Hristos ?i sunt convins ca ?i pentru iubitorii de excursie, de arta, cultura, istorie exista un fior pe ?ira spinarii atunci cand pun piciorul in Roma.


              elena, group of friends 03/19/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Lucian, group of friends 03/11/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              ALEXANDRU, group of friends 03/11/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Roxana, couple 03/01/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Merita vizitat


              sorin, group of friends 02/25/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Gabi, group of friends 02/11/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Nicoleta, couple 02/10/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Daniel, family with children 01/30/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Ora? frumos nu degeaba i se spune ora?ul etern


              Picoi, couple 01/29/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Stefan Ina, couple 01/27/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Mirabela , group of friends 12/03/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Marian, couple 12/02/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Tucudeanu, group of friends 11/07/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              geanina, couple 10/29/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Foarte aglomerat,dar plin de istorie


              Eugen R., couple 10/24/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              De data asta mi s-a parut cam peste tot mult gunoi .


              Oana, group of friends 10/11/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Anca, group of friends 10/09/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Agora, family with children 07/28/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Catalin, family with children 07/11/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Ionut, family with children 06/29/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Foarte multa mizerie.


              Obreja, couple 05/24/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Florin, group of friends 05/22/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              veronica, family with children 05/21/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma e intro continua miscare, aglomeratie, multi cersetori, cu toate astea este un oras minunat, as reveni cu placere. Vaticanul, foarte aglomerat, piata cu fantanile ei arteziene, minunata. Catedrala, o splendoare. Sun foarte multe de vazut, recomand cel putin cinci zile pentru vizitare si daca este posibil cu ghid care va poate procura biletele pentru vatican din timp pentru ca altfel va trebui sa stati foarte mult la coada sau exista riscul ca biletele sa se epuizeze cu mult timp inainte si va trebui sa le achizitionati la negru la pret chiar dublu. Gradina cu trandafiri e frumoasa, sunt nenumarate specii de toate culorile. Nu ratati dealul aventino, gradina cu portocali va ofera o priveliste superba asupra orasului. Fontana di trevi foarte aglomerata, atentie aici, e plin de hoti si persoane care vor neaparat sa va vanda ceva, de fapt asta e valabil in toata roma. Recomand sa calatoriti cu metroul, puteti achizitiona biletul de la automatul de acolo, pentru trei zile, Roma Pass sau pentru o saptamana, costa 24 e si aveti calatorii nelimitate. atentie, de la aeroport puteti lua autobuzul Cotral (albastru) costa 3.6 e depersoana si va duce pana in Roma. Il puteti lua imediat la iesirea din aeroport. Copiii pana la sase ani calatoresc gratuit in toata Roma. Cu metroul ajungeti foarte repede la orice destinatie doriti. In concluzie, orasul este minunat.


              Mariana, group of friends 05/09/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              alecs, couple 05/07/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              foarte frumoasa si aglomerata


              Florența Ene, group of friends 04/30/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este un oras superb,merita vizitat.


              Paul, group of friends 04/11/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Frumos ora?


              Alina, group of friends 03/25/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Ciprian, group of friends 03/03/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Foarte frumoasa merita vizitat.


              Alina, group of friends 02/01/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Vasile, couple 01/26/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma ...cetatea eterna nu ai cum sa te plictise?ti ! M- a surprins neplacut faptul ca municipalitatea accepta ca oamenii strazii sa doarma nestingherite pe strada aspect ce poate genera un sentiment de nesiguran?a in randul tiri?tilor !!!!


              Apavaloaie Dan, family with children 11/05/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              La obiectivele turistice din Roma e foarte aglomerat. Se incurajeaza un fel de "bisnita" prin asa numitele intrari cu ghid, care te costa mult mai mult, dar "te baga in fata".


              Nicu?or, couple 10/16/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Ana, couple 10/02/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              in Roma traie?ti aGONIa ?i EXtaZUL


              Marian, couple 08/02/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Romeo, couple 07/19/2017

              am nimerit cand serviciul de salubrizare cred ca era in concediu, foarte murdar mai ales la periferie.


              carp, couple 05/31/2017

              Roma este un oras minunat


              Emanuel, couple 04/09/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Fabulos, merita vazut.


              Lavinia, couple 02/10/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Orasul este SUPERB ! Cumparati Roma Pass! Merita cei 37.5 Euro/persoana pt.72 ore Pentru Muzeele Vaticanului tb. sa va alocati o zi intreaga.


              George, group of friends 12/16/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Adrian, group of friends 07/26/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Anda, group of friends 03/22/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Bogdan, group of friends 03/01/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Olariu, couple 11/17/2014DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Oras superb, ai nevoie de 3-4 zile pt a vizita obiectivele importante.


              Daniel, couple 11/07/2014DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este un oras de vizitat. Pentru a vedea toate obiectivele importante aveti nevoie de 5-6 zile si de o buna organizare.


              tucudeanu, couple 11/06/2014DIRECT BOOKING traveler



              Adriana, group of friends 03/06/2014DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              - un oras bogat in istorie, interesant de vizitat


              daniela-ploiesti, group of friends 10/30/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este un oras pe care trebuie sa-l vezi , nu exista cuvinte de comparatie , este totul antic si bine intretinut am reusit in 3 zile sa vedem ce era mai important dina cest oras si ff ieftin (200 euro) trebuie sa stii ce transport in comun sa folosesti , ca sa iesi ieftin si in acelasi timp de la aeroport cel mai ok este COtRaL -2-3 EURO-se ia blilete de la tabachi si va duce pana la termini de unde se ia metroul'paqna la cea mai apropiata statie de hotel este fff importamt sa fie cat mai aproape de metrou , pt ca exista tichete pe 3 ziel de 16.5 euro si va puteti plaimba cu elel atata pe metrou cat si ori autobuz din Roma ,,,atentie COtRaL este in afara Romei deci trebuie cumparat bilet separat daca se ajunge dimineata in roma de merita sa luati bilet metrou16.5 daca este seara luati unul simplu de 1.5 euro si apoi dimineta urmatoare luati de 16.5. se contorizeaza din momentul primei intrari si incepe calculatie orelor noia am ajuns din intamplare in ultima duminica din luna oct si a fost liber la Vatican (asa este in fiecare duminica ultima din luna ) si la piata vaticanului si am redus din start vreao20 euro coada a fost infernala dar in 2-3 ore am scapat sia ameritat sa stam in coada la vatican deci vatican, pentahon, coleoseum si toate bisericile trebuiesc vazute''la oriece hotel exista o harta pe care trebie sa o studiati pret de cateva minute si va veti descurca sigur , este semnalizat si marcat si nu ve veti rataci , este ok hotelul athena ofera asternuturi curate si prosoape iar apa este chiar fierbinte ,,,,,,in mare nu de 3 stele dar la baniii carei cere este ok si la cat mergiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, nuti trebuie decat un dus cald si un pat confortabil a fost ok


              Irina, group of friends 09/06/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler


              Mihaela si Daniel, couple 05/26/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Orasul merita vizitat cu toata increderea, multe edificii foarte frumoase, oameni foarte primitori si obisnuiti cu vizitatorii. Este nevoie de o conditie fizica buna pentru a putea strabate fiecare straduta cu misterele ei.


              Stirbu, group of friends 03/14/2013DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Orasul este superb


              Claudiu, group of friends 11/15/2012DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este unul din orasele pe care trebuie sa le vezi macar o data in viata :)


              MIHAELA, group of friends 03/21/2012DIRECT BOOKING traveler

              Roma este un oras pe care vei vrea cu siguranta sa-l revezi, te fascineaza.


              Paula, group of friends 12/13/2011

              We could not find any landmarks according to your specifications
              The information and photos from the presentation of the resorts are informative. We continuously to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of the information but do not guarantee that the information is complete or error-free.