About Santa Margherita Ligure - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Santa Margherita Ligure is a fair-sized city; large enough to seem suffocated tour was an integral part of city existence for decades.
Port cater mainly for intelligent yachts, but the city is also home to a small fishing fleet, which can be seen opposite the Fishmarket download businesslike morning.
There is wide range of hotels and restaurants as well as a selection of great day trips to do if you get tired of Pottering along the beachfront laidback.
Bars, cafes, restaurants and ice cream are scattered along the seafront and there are also a few along the main keys - the latter are quite expensive, but the screen is lively.
If you prefer to picnic, there is a good sized supermarket Coop in Corso Matteoti is generally open until 20.
Santa Margherita Ligure | Santa Margherita Ligure is a village in the province of Genoa, Liguria region, Italy, with a population of 9639 inhabitants and an area of 10.04 km².
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