About Santo Stefano Di Sessanio - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The theory most widely accepted is that the name comes from a corruption of Sextantio Sessanio, a small Roman settlement located near the present city probably six miles away from an important Roman settlement.
Another source could be "often six ANS", ie six years. Six years as the conviction of thieves who were imprisoned in the fortress of the country.
Another origin of the name comes from "six years" instead of the Roman Empire were limited for six years convicted.
History Santo Stefano is thus connected to the fact that these two places, at least until the eleventh century. The spread of monastic orders brings an increase in arable land, the repopulation of areas at high altitudes and the emergence and strengthening of fortified villages, safer higher position.
Santo Stefano Di Sessanio | Santo Stefano di Sessanio is an Italian town of 117 inhabitants in the province of Abruzzo. It is also part of the mountain community of Campo Imperatore plain-navelli.
The territory is part of the territory of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, constituting, in fact, one of the access ports on the South side
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