About Sassari - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Since its origins at the turn of the 12th century, Sassari has been ruled by the Giudicato of Torres, the Pisans, the Sassaresi themselves in alliance with Genoa, the Aragonese and the Spanish, all of whom have contributed to Sassari's historical and artistic heritage.
Sassari is a city rich in art, culture and history, and is well known for its beautiful palazzi, the Fountain of the Rosello, and its elegant neoclassical architecture, such as Piazza d'Italia (Italy Square) and the Teatro Civico (Civic Theatre).
Sassari | Sassari ([Sassari] About this pronunciation sound (help · info) Sassari: Sassari, Sardinia: Tatari) is an Italian city and the second largest of Sardinia in terms of population with 127,625 inhabitants, or about 275,000 including metropolitan area
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