About Taormina - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Taormina recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (7 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Taormina, Sicily Island
Taormina is a small town on the coast is the island of Sicily. Since the nineteenth century Taormina is a popular sea resort. Beaches are the Ionian Sea, with very warm water with a high salt content. The nearest beaches are those at Mazzarò, gravel beaches where you can reach by cable car. Isola Bella is a very popular island, located between beaches. There are several caves and coves waiting to be explored. A few kilometers away is the sandy beaches and in Giardini-Naxos.
The city today, Taormina is an ancient city ranks on a hill that is the terminal of a mountain range that extends offshore from Cape Pelorus to in Taormina. The old town is situated 300 m above sea level and 150 m above a steep cliff, is a Saracen castle. Numerous fragments of ancient buildings are scattered on the surface of the old city - water tanks, tombs and an edifice called Naumachia. But most remarkable monument is the old Greek theater - but the beauty and remarkable experience. It is still used aeste performances and concerts.
Other attractions in Taormina are Palazzo Corvaja, a building of Arabic origin, which now hosts the tourist office and a local folklore museum. Piazza IX in April was an old clock tower, twelfth century.
Taormina | Taormina is a small town on the coast is the island of Sicily. Since the nineteenth century Taormina is a popular sea resort. Beaches are the Ionian Sea, with very warm water with a high salt content. The nearest beaches are those at Mazzarò, gravel beaches
where you can reach by cable car
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