About Valtournenche - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Valtournenche is a commune in the Valle d'Aosta region in Italy. It can increase the altitude of 1,524 m above n.m. it covers an area of 115 km² and in 2010 it has 2,162 inhabitants. The locality is considered as the cradle of mountaineering in Italy.
The city is responsible on the beautiful front I see the basin of the valley, among vast pastures and preserves of conifers.
For ski lovers Valtournenche, under the picturesque Grandes Murailles chain, can offer a large ski area between Mount Roisetta and the Sea of Ceva, with wonderful views over Cervino. At 2,982 meters high at the peaks, although there may be links to the Breuil-Cervinia and Zermatt resorts.
Valtournenche | Valtournenche is a commune in the Valle d'Aosta region in Italy. It can increase the altitude of 1,524 m above n.m. it covers an area of 115 km² and in 2010 it has 2,162 inhabitants. The locality is considered as the cradle of mountaineering in Italy
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