About Venice Lido - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The island has three localities. Lido, in the north, is the place where the International Film Festival takes place, where we also find the Casino in Venice. Malamocco, in the center, was the first and, for a long time, the only settlement. Alberoni, at the southern end, contains a golf course. There are public transport lines that cross the length of the island along the main street.
At least half of the Adriatic part of the island is a sandy beach, much of it belonging to the various hotels that host tourists in the summer. These beaches are private, though towards the north and south ends of the island there are two huge public beaches. The Adriatic Sea is quite clean and warm, ideal for children, only with jellyfish that occasionally disturb the swimming.
The center of the island is Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta, a wide street about 700 m long, which leads from the lagoon to the vaporetto station (water bus).
Venezia Lido, a public airport suitable for smaller aircraft, is located at the north-eastern end of Lido di Venezia. It has a 1000 m long grass track.
In 1177, Emperor Frederic Barbarossa and Pope Alexander III signed the Treaty of Venice here after Frederick's defeat at the Battle of Legnano, and later in 1202, at the beginning of the Fourth Crusade, was used as a military camp by tens of thousands of crusaders.
In 1857 the first navy beach was set up. It was the first of its kind in Europe and, soon, the marina was named "Lido", a synonym for the resort's beach. The success of the Lido beach and the fascination of Venice nearby have made the Lido resort famous worldwide. Lido was also famous for its brothels in the first half of the twentieth century.
Venice Lido | Lido di Venezia is a strip of 11 km long beach in Venice, home to about 20,000 residents. Here the International Film Festival in Venice takes place in September each year.
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