Bus departing from Pitesti Rimini, Emilia Romagna Italy summer 2024
Filters: Transport: autocar× (2 offers, 149.3EUR - 149.3EUR)

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Circuit Clasic Italia Cu Sejur La Rimini 10 Zile Autocar 2024, Rimini

Circuit Clasic Italia Cu Sejur La Rimini 10 Zile Autocar 2024

Rimini, Emilia Romagna, Italy

    • Bus (06/16 - 09/08/2024)
      Departures in date: 08/30

    About RiminiDetails and images of Rimini


    Rimini is a medium-sized city of 142,579 inhabitants in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, and capital city of the Province of Rimini. It is located on the Adriatic Sea, on the coast between the rivers Marecchia (the ancient Ariminus) and Ausa (ancient Aprusa).
    It is one of the most famous seaside resorts in Europe (sometimes called "Miami of Europe"), thanks to its 15 km-long sandy beach, over 1.000 hotels and thousands of bar, restaurants and discos. First bathing establishment opened in 1843. Rimini is also the hometown of the famous film director Federico Fellini.